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Girl's Best Friend

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Girl's Best Friend
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Product Details

Diamonds have long been considered Girl's Best Friend. Enamored young girls squeal at the smallest of diamonds given as promises of more to come. As they grow into adults, the small diamonds of their youth no longer give the same thrill. As they get a taste for the beauty of the gem, the more sparkle, the better. Eventually, as older women, wearing only one diamond is never enough, sometimes dripping with every diamond they own. This shawl reflects that trend with small diamonds at the beginning of the shawl that grow into larger diamonds. These large diamonds later become adorned with sparkly beads. At the edge, the diamonds become small again but only to concentrate the brilliance of the beads. Knit in a color that coordinates with much of your wardrobe, this shawl will likely become your new best friend (and cost considerably less)!

Girl's Best Friend is a top-down triangle-shaped shawl in two sizes. Both written instructions and charts are provided. Beading videos linked in pattern.

Bronwyn Hahn
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268 (360) [approximately 18 (20) g] Size 6/0 glass beads. Size 11 (1.10 mm) crochet hook or dental appliance threader (for beading)
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