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Penruddock Cowl

PDF-Anleitung, Englisch
4,59 €
Penruddock Cowl
4,59 €


Penruddock is a small village, just off the main Penrith to Keswick road. Tucked away, just half a mile from the main dual carriageway, it has a fantastic village pub, The Herdwick Inn, where we have stayed a number of times for wool shows. It is a comfortable, warm place, and was one of the inspirations for this cowl, knitted in a 4 ply snuggly alpaca yarn with fantastic drape.

The cowl is knited in the round, beginning and ending with a garter rib to stop the main body curling. A dramatic lace pattern is repeated around, separated by columns of mock cables. When blocked, as the lace opens, the edges of the cowl wave gracefully.

Please note: Gauge is important for this pattern. Please take time to check your gauge, and, especially if your gauge has fewer stitches or rows per inch than listed, use a smaller needle size to achieve the pattern gauge. You will run out of yarn if your gauge is looser than in the pattern. If this is the case, please finish after a single repeat, or on row 12 of the second repeat.

Claire Valentine

4-Ply (3,50 mm)