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Product Details

An elongated, asymmetrical wrap that combines the warmth and style of a shawl with the wearability of a scarf, Sundry means various or diverse, and this wrap features two colors, two stitch patterns and endless styling options. Cast on at the long, pointed end, Sundry has shaping at each end of rows that grow ever wider. Two colors contrast yet harmonize in solid garter stitch and houndstooth slipstitch sections; the slipstitch is easily worked using just one color per row. A simple picot bind off finishes the long straight end.

Techniques & Skills Used: cable CO, knit, increasing/decreasing, slipstitch colorwork, picot BO; the slipstitch pattern is both written and charted.

Yarn: String Theory Hand Dyed Yarn Selku (50% Silk, 50% Merino; 375 yards/113g); 1 skein MC & 1 skein CC, shown in Pewter (MC) & Alexandrite (CC). See Designer’s Notes for suggestions on adjusting for different yardage.

Gauge: 15 st and 30 rows/4” in garter stitch, customizable.

Jennifer Dassau
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Other Materials: US 7 (4.5mm) 40” circular needle; Yarn needle.
Skill Level