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Semi Sweet (semi-slouch) Hat

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Semi Sweet Hat (semi-slouch)
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Product Details

Semi Sweet (semi-slouch) Hat is the second pattern from the [Sweet Treats Collection][1].

[Buy Print Edition – $3.50][2]

This simple little chapeau was originally designed in answer to a request from my boyfriend. His favorite accessory is hats (which I have to say is quite handy) and he accumulated a substantial stash of those I had knitted over the winter. Once the weather began hinting of Spring he turned to lamenting the fact he would not be able to wear his knit hats until the Fall. I, not being one to let my man go with a bare head, dug up some lightweight warm weather yarn and put my mind to designing something appropriate.

In my haste to make the hat I forgot to take note of my boyfriend’s head size and undershot it. He loved the design and deemed it completely guy friendly, but too small for his noggin. My sister graciously stepped in to model the hat. A word to the wise: remember

Fiddle Knits Designs
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