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Sea Breeze Ear Warmer

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Sea Breeze Ear Warmer
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Product Details

……...A Gentle Sea Breeze…….….Whispers in my ear, Whirls around my head Dances with my unkempt hair…..I see something more. Something more to life. Something more than what you see. Something more to you. Something more to me. The ground is dry, the earth is cracked, Night won’t end.……..A Gentle Sea Breeze ….Whispers. Here you will find life, Here you will find peace, Here you will find Me Here is where life begins, Your eyes are opened, Truth is revealed, The tears have fallen and Taken root, Now Go and Splash that Sea Breeze on Dry Land.

This pdf downloadable pattern also includes links to youtube tutorial videos I've created to help you along the way. It uses crochet hook sizes H (5 mm), & G (4 mm) & 100% acrylic yarn. Stitches used in this pattern are dtr, dc, hdc, hdc inc, tr, sl st, trtr . You also will work in the back post (BP) and (BLO). I've included links to tutorials to complete stitches you might not recognize.

Sapphire C
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