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Poppies in the Garden

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Poppies in the Garden
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Product Details

***Description:*** Toe- up sock using a no-wrap slip stitch short row heel construction. This is much easier to execute than the standard wrap and turn heel, especially if you have trouble seeing the tiny wraps like I do. The stitch pattern is easily memorized and has great texture and stretch.

***Size:*** Women's medium (adjustable - instructions given in pattern)

***Techniques Used:*** Knitting in the round (instructions given for two circular needles, but easily adapted for DP's or magic loop method), ribbing, standard increases and decreases; Judy Becker's Magic cast on method; Priscilla Wild's No Muss No Fuss No Wraps No Holes short row heel; Jenny's Surprisingly Stretchy bind-off.

***Difficulty:*** Intermediate beginner

***Materials:*** Sock yarn of your choice. Sample knit up in 325 yards of fingering weight 100% merino superwash hand- dyed sock yarn from Alpaca Fiber Studio and Friends

***Gauge:*** 8 stitches /inch and 12 rows/inch on size #2 needles.
Julia Golub
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