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Paw Prints Lace Shawl

Downloadable PDF, English
By Moon E
Paw Prints Lace Shawl
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Product Details

This shawl is worked from the top down in one piece. With holding 2 strands of yarn together, provisional Cast on 5 stitches. With garter stitch, work the numbers of garter ridges that the pattern requires for the top edge. Then pick up stitches from the side of the garter ridges. Follow the pattern & chart to complete the shawl. When blocking, I used two 70” flexible blocking wires, one for top edge and another for bottom tips.
The yarn choice can be any lace weight yarn. If you want to make the size a little larger, choose fingering weight yarn and US 7/4.5mm-8/5.0mm needles.
Enjoy the pattern!
Feel free to send me an E-mail to ask questions!

Moon Eldridge
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