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Mystic River Hat

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By Mimi K
Mystic River Hat
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Product Details

This fabulous hat is both easy to wear and engaging to knit. Suitable for either guys or girls, the Mystic River Hat has a top-down construction, beginning with Judy’s Magic Cast-On. The crown is then worked in the round while the rest of the body of the hat is worked in one long spiral, joining the hat to itself every right side row. It also includes short-rowing and is finished with an applied I-cord bind-off.

Note: Getting proper gauge is VITAL in this pattern. Since it's actually a side-to-side construction, it can either turn out super small or ginormous if your gauge is off. Please take time to check the gauge.

Choose 2 skeins of yarn with long color runs, such as Noro Silk Garden or Crystal Palace Mochi Plus for optimum effect.

Hat Sizing:
Youth/Small adult: knit with #7 needles.
Top circumference - 19”
Bottom circumference -29”

Med/Large adult: knit with #8 needles
Top circumference - 24”
Bottom circum
Mimi Kezer
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