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La vie est belle

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La vie est belle
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Product Details

As my brain rewires with my EMDR therapy, I find I’m a lot more present and grateful for what I have in my life. I’ve started taking more joy in the little things. I’ve slowed down a lot, instead of keeping myself in a state of “GO GO GO” as a distraction from bad situations I had in my life, I allow myself to stop and take in the world around me. To appreciate the unique and diverse people I have in my life. I’ve also started enjoying my misfit nature, no longer bullying myself for not fitting in or pressuring myself to fit in. I like being my weird little self! It’s like my blinders have been taken off, and I now see how beautiful the life around me truly is.

Worked flat, La vie est belle contains written directions and charts. A handy-dandy progress tracker is included to help you with your rows and stitch counts. Yardage for each section is given should you wish to turn this into a scrappy project!

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