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Knit Wit Mitts

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By Cori E Profile Image
Knit Wit Mitts
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Product Details

"Sock tubes are the new black thing!"

–Dean F. Wilson, Skyshaker Author 1987-present

What’s a sock tube? It’s a tube made from a single skein of fingering weight yarn on a circular sock machine (CSM). They are usually made with a selvage or scrap yarn on each end that is easily unraveled to being using live stitches to knit.

CSMs are becoming much more available for the home knitter. And getting a sock tube “cranked” by an indie dyer or a friend, can have a knitter on the way to having a pair of socks much more quickly. Adding a heel, toe and cuff is a fast enterprise.

But what about the leftover tubes? Or what if your sock drawer is overflowing. Here’s another option for working up a sock tube into a pair of fingerless mitts or a pair of mittens.

The pattern is written for a tube made from a circular sock machine. The pattern assumes you do not need to knit the tube and already have one in your possession.

Cori Eichelberger
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Cranked Sock Tubes are available from: Knit Spin Farm; Ritual Dyes; Lift Bridge Yarns; Candy Shoppe Yarns; Cranky Sock Maker; Old Rusted Chair
Skill Level