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Funky #7

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Funky #7
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Product Details

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Song Inspiration: Named for "Funky #7" by Hot Tuna.

“Make me a funky drum hat.” Those were the instructions given to me by my mom, the drummer in our family band. She wanted something a little hip and funky, but still comfortable and not over the top wild. Alright, that can be managed. And so it was that Funky #7 was born. It’s a hat that can easily be folded up and tossed in a bag, purse, or instrument case for times of emergencies (ie. bad hair, cold winds, outdoor gigs, waking up to find your bandmates shaved your head, etc.)

Depending on your choice of yarn, this hat can be worn equally well by anyone and during every season. The photographs show the smaller, or womens size, worked up in Elsebeth Lavold’s silky wool. This yarn creates a lightweight hat with good stitch definition, but a loose, floppy structure. The medium/Mens version is knit using Knit Picks City Tweed DK, which is

Fiddle Knits Designs
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