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Heaven and Space

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Heaven and Space
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Product Details

To us knitters, heaven can be a luxurious cashmere blend, caressing our fingers while we knit. Heaven can be a pattern so simple and intuitive, just using knit and purl stitches, knitting up to a beautiful shawlette with an intriguing geometric pattern. Heaven is when something you knit is so soft you never want to take it off again. Heaven can be that very special colour only our favourite dyer can achieve. Heaven can have many dimensions and interesting structures, like space – and very much like this shawlette when left unblocked. Heaven can be big, smooth, shiny and beautiful, like this shawlette after blocking. Heaven is a pattern that uses exactly the amount of yarn you have. Heaven can also be a daydream while we knit, maybe of a trip through space, to galaxies far away, leaving all troubles on earth behind us. So here’s “Heaven and Space”, the perfect shawlette to embody just that.

The sample was knit in Wollmeise Blend. A substitute yarn is shown below.

Martina Behm
Downloadable PDF
English, German
Pattern in German (pages 1 - 5) and English (pages 6 - 9) – Anleitung auch auf Deutsch
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