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The Wheelers first appear in Ozma of Oz. Their arms are the same length as their legs, and all four limbs end in wheels made of fingernails. Their clothing is colorful and heavily embroidered. As a child, they terrified me! But, now I admire their attitude and steampunky outfits.

Wheels is a crescent-shaped shawl that features a high-contrast colorway in wheels and stripes against a neutral background. The wheels are worked flat, using short-rows to create the curve. The body is also worked flat, bottom up, from a combination of stitches picked up from the wheels and newly cast-on stitches.

This pattern can easily be lengthened by making more wheels. Each additional wheel will use approximately 32 yards of MC and 27 yards of CC. If you have two 400-yard skeins, you could safely begin with as many as 11 wheels.

Wheels is part of the [Steampunk Oz][1] Collection. Look for [The Wizard][2] (two skeins of DK yarn), [Glinda][3] (two skeins of fingering-weight yarn), and [Winged Mon

Rachel Henry
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