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The Maid of the Mist

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By Alla Profile Image
The Maid of the Mist
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Product Details

The Maid of the Mist is a cozy infinity cowl made in a soft and squishy merino wool yarn in dk weight. It features reversible eyelet and lace rib stitch patterns which add even more volume to the finished knit.

This cowl is knit sideways making the pattern easily customisable.

The cast-on edge and the last row of a knitted piece are joined together with the Kitchener Stitch to form a loop.

A perfect project to use any yarn leftovers of different colours to make stripes.

Gauge: 14 sts x 24 rows to 10cm/4in square over Garter Eyelet stitch on 5.5 mm/US #9 needles, lightly blocked. Adjust needle size if necessary.

Yardage: 485 yards (443 m)

Yarn used in this sample: Tanis Fiber Arts Yellow Label DK Weight: 260 yards (238 meters), 115 grams (4.06 ounces). Used in this project: 1.85 skeins in total (MC/CC - 1.35/0.5 skeins).

Any superwash merino or silk/merino blends in DK weight can be used for this project.

Skill level: Intermediate

Alla Saenko
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materials: 5.5 mm/ US #9 needles, or size to obtain gauge; tapestry needle; waste yarn
Skill Level