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Asian Landscape

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Asian Landscape
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In Asian landscape paintings, artists typically incorporate mountains or rocks, water, the sky, trees, and greenery, along with a man-made element, such as a bridge, to create an overall image. The result is often abstract, leaving the viewer to explore the landscape the artist created. 

Living in Asia, I come across many painted scrolls from China and other parts of eastern Asia and often have the opportunity to view the scenery that has inspired artists for centuries.

This shawl is my interpretation of an Asian landscape, worked in lace stitch patterns that are meant to evoke hilly terrain, flowing water with the hint of a bridge, tree branches, and abundant foliage.

The shawl was knit with two shades of Malabrigo Lace, with the body of the shawl in Water Green, and the edge (part of the body) and the border (knit-on) in Indiecita. It required a full skein of Water Green and just under 2/3 of a skein of Indiecita.


Michael Harrigan
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A full skein of Water Green and about 2/3 skein of Indiecita were used in knitting this shawl.
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