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Flying Cranes

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Flying Cranes
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Product Details

Flying Cranes is a combination of lace and cables.
The shawl is started at one end of the wing tip with a few stitches and the volume is built up by increasing at one side. The little points border on the shorter sides is ‘knit as you go’.
The pattern is easily adjustable in size. You just follow on knitting until you decide that the shawl is big enough.

Any yarn from fingering to worsted weight will look good on the shawl. Consequently, needles should be adapted to the yarn used and the degree of lacy effect that you desire to achieve. If you want to get it more lacy, upsize your needles.

Pink shawl was knitted with YarnArt Everest / worsted on US 7 – 4.5 mm needles. I used up 640m / 700 yards to obtain shawl that measures approx. 52 x 66 x 82” / 130 x 165 x 208 cm blocked.

Green shawl was done with Creskeld Yarns Guernsey / 5 ply on US 6 – 4 mm needles. I used up 393m / 430 yards to obtain a shawl that measures approx. 44 x 48 x 65” / 112 x 120 x 164 cm blocked.


Yellow Mleczyk
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English, Polish