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Diamond mosaic hat

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Diamond mosaic hat
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Product Details

The basic diamond is always eye-catching and pleasing. Modern and graphic, this easy slip stitch mosaic hat will keep your ears and head warm in the coming months.

This is a 2-colour slip st mosaic hat pattern, knit from the bottom up, in the round. Cast on your sts, follow the chart making increases and decreases as stated. You may add a large pom-pom to the top, once you are finished or leave it as is.

A little note about gauge- Baby Alpaca Aire is, indeed, full of air and can be easily compressed. If you were to knit with a standard Aran, such as Nepal by, Drops, you may get- 23st on a 4.0mm needle Slip st mosaic may, also give you a larger gauge, change needles size as desired.

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