You are Grass Green!

Zen, energetic, fresh, relaxed, curious, tree hugger, respectful, balanced, authentic, gentle, kind, spirited, free.

Did it just get super zen in here? Your vibe is like a forest of trees: quiet yet powerful, always growing and changing, and full of life. You’re a morning person who values solitude as much as you value your relationships. Nature soothes you no matter if it’s a park surrounded by skyscrapers and traffic, or a forest out in the middle of nowhere. If you could, you would hug every tree in the world because they bring you the breath that keeps your life moving forward. You are as respectful of people as you are of nature. You’re selective about who you spend your time with not because you don’t care about new friendships, but because you care so deeply about who you allow to disrupt your inner balance. When you travel, you travel deeply and authentically, being careful not to tread on toes as you pass through.

Green is the color of nature. It symbolizes life, growth, spring, regrowth and rebirth. When we think of greens, they are usually the shades of plants, of leaves, of herbs, and green is the color of goodness for the planet and for health."

Get serene with green

You're zen. You're relaxed. You're serene green! Green is how you live your life so here's how to use green in the maker corner of your world.