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Vonny Tee

Downloadable PDF, Anglais, Allemand, Polonais
7,50 €
Vonny Tee
7,50 €

Détails du produit

ENG: Vonny Tee is a summer tee with smart colourwork, creating two bold V shapes, both at the front and back. Numerous colour choices are possible, underlining an individual style. The tee has a beautiful shoulder line and a little sleeve detail, which also reflects the V shape. Lateral braids and I-cord finishing give this flattering knitwear a polished look.

Vonny Tee is knit top down, completely seamless and has a modified drop-shoulder construction (inspired by contiguous set-in sleeve method developed by Susie Myers). It’s a modular type of construction, worked mainly flat in clearly defined sections, always with only one colour.

With video tutorials for the techniques used.

25 stitches and 35 rows = 4 in in stockinette Note: for this design the row gauge is as important as the stitch gauge.

Vonny Tee is intended to be worn with approximately 1-4 in positive ease.

Yarn used in the sample: fingering weigth single ply (25% silk 75% merino) (437 yds in 3.5 oz skein)

PDF téléchargeable
Anglais, Allemand, Polonais
Estimated yarn usage: C1: 382 (394/ 415/ 448) (460/ 470/ 547) yd C2: 306 (350/ 394/ 437) (492/ 547/ 612) yd C3: 273 (350/ 372/ 394) (415/ 448/ 523) yd
Niveau de compétence
Poids du fil

Toile d'araignée