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Connections Beanie

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5,14 €
Connections Beanie
5,14 €

Détails du produit

This is the second of my designs (along with my Solace Gloves and Beanie) which I sketched out during the early days of the 2020 pandemic lockdown here in the UK. At this point I felt quite vulnerable, I was scared of catching ‘it’ due to ongoing health issues and I was scared of not being able to see friends and family on the Scottish Mainland any time soon. One thing that did help though was realising that the connections I’d made here in Shetland were just as strong as long standing ones from further afield. Some of these were old connections that we had reestablished on our return here and some were new. We hadn’t been back here in Shetland very long but these new connections we had made rallied round and offered help and support helping us get through what could have been a very taxing time.

The beanie is knitted entirely in the round in a simple braided rib pattern. The braided ribs connect at the crown to symbolise all the connections I’ve made, old and new coming together.

Olach Designs
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The beanie uses just one ball of chunky weight yarn. 120m/100g weight.
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